都会社区学院 (银河app苹果版) cares about the health, safety 和 success of 我们的学生和校园社区.
的 银河app苹果版的关心 initiative coordinates established resources, such as 银河app苹果版's Behavioral 干预小组(BIT) 咨询, 残疾支援服务 和 银河app苹果版警察 帮助有困难的学生.
We are hopeful that a focus on caring for our students will help reduce the stigma often associated with making an 银河app苹果版的关心 推荐. 寻求帮助的学生可以 你会发现用一个人说话很有帮助 银河app苹果版顾问.
If you are concerned about someone's behavior in the campus community, please submit 一个推荐. Examples of the types of behaviors to refer include:
- a sharp decline in academic performance
- disruptive, destructive, aggressive or violent behavior
- bullying, stalking, harassment or discrimination, including online
- dramatic changes in mood, personality, appearance, behavior or weight
- reports of abuse, domestic violence or sexual assault
- disturbing or threatening comments in conversation, e-mail, letters, social media postings or written assignments/presentations
- appearing under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- self-harming behaviors, such as cutting or suicidal ideation or threats
- 偏执
- 经常生气/容易受挫
- 任何违反 银河app苹果版学生行为准则
的se behaviors, especially when more than one are present, may be signs that a student 遇险. 的re are many helpful resources available at 银河app苹果版. 你的推荐可以 有所作为.
When there is a medical emergency or a person is an immediate threat to self or others, 先打816给银河app苹果版警察.604.1200.
如果你担心一个学生, 提交推荐. Please be sure to include as much specific, objective information as you can. 的 推荐形式 provides space to describe the behaviors of concern 和 to attach any supporting 资料(照片、文字等.). If you have questions about making 一个推荐, you can consult with your campus Dean of Student Development.
We encourage all members of the campus community (students, employees, community members or visitors to our campus) to "be aware, show you care"
如有疑问,请参考. Your reported concerns could be critical as we seek to determine whether an expressed concern is an isolated event or a sign of a more serious 需要干预的问题.
When 一个推荐 is received, we will only know the identity of the person making the 推荐 if this information is included.
Anonymous 推荐s can be made but limit our ability to investigate 和 intervene. We do encourage you to include your contact information so that if we need additional information or have questions, we can gather this information more quickly.
While every attempt is made to respect your privacy, there may be situations where the student can deduce who made the 推荐.
For information on 银河app苹果版's confidential reporting of a sexual assault, discrimination, harassment or other Title IX issues, call 816.604.1529或电邮 银河app苹果版.confidential@银河app苹果版kc.edu.
If you are concerned about a student's behavior 和 would like to see the student receive assistance, please share your concerns with 银河app苹果版的关心.
We ask that you do not promise confidentiality as you may have to break this promise 如果学生的健康受到威胁.
An acceptable response to this request would be, "I cannot promise total confidentiality, but I do promise that I will only share this information with those who need to know 谁能帮上忙."
For instances of sexual assault, dating 和/or domestic violence, m和atory reporting 对员工的要求.
Referral information is accessible to a small team of trained individuals who will review the 推荐 和 determine next steps.
When you submit your 推荐, the team receives electronic notification. 根据 on the nature of the 推荐, reports will be prioritized.
However, not all submissions will warrant immediate response 和 in some cases no 在那个时候作出回应是必要的.
Generally, 推荐s are monitored during normal business hours.
Individuals must contact 银河app苹果版警察 at 816.604.1200 第一个 if the person of concern poses an immediate threat to self or others OR the individual 经历医疗紧急情况(如.g. 癫痫发作、失去意识).
的 银河app苹果版的关心 team plays a secondary role to all urgent circumstances 和 should be contacted only after initial emergency notifications are made.
Individuals should follow up during the next business day by completing the 银河app苹果版的关心 推荐.
Employees are encouraged to follow the guidelines set forth by their supervisor when it comes to communication regarding students of concern.
We simply ask that this communication also be shared through the 银河app苹果版的关心 team so that, when appropriate, we can coordinate support for the student in conjunction with the actions of the person making the Cares 推荐, supervisor, department chair 和/或院长计划采取.
For information on 银河app苹果版's confidential reporting of a sexual assault, discrimination, harassment or other Title IX issues, call 816.604.1529或电邮 银河app苹果版.confidential@银河app苹果版kc.edu.